Blog #150: Looking back month-by-month at everything that happened in machine learning in 2023

Looking back at everything I learned in machine learning in 2023

Tags: braingasm, machine, learning, 2023

brett-jordan-4aB1nGtD_Sg-unsplash.jpg Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

3-out-of-5-hats.png [ED: This will get a bit more technical than usual. Some of these links are very much in the weeds of machine learning, but others are more of an overview or introductory in nature. On balance, it’s a 3/5 propellor hat kind of list. Whilst it is technical by definition, there should be something for everyone here.]

Over the course of 2023 I set about trying to learn as much as I could about machine learning, AI, generative AI, and everything in between that might be even loosely related to machines behaving intelligently.

Each week I would bookmark and summarise any relevant links that I came across as I was exploring the topics. In doing so, I built up a month-by-month list of articles that I found relevant and interesting. About halfway through the year, I had the (now obvious) idea to use GPT to help me summarise the articles and generate relevant hashtags for each link.

By the end of 2023, I ended up with quite a few links across each month of the year. There are too many to post in a single article, so over the next twelve days (20240104-20240116), I will post the link, a short summary, and a few hashtags for each month of 2023, and this post will act as an index to each of the posts.

If this works out, I think I will publish the links at the end of each month during 2024 rather than all at once at the end of the year, which should keep things fresh and a little easier to digest.

Originally published by M@ on Medium.

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