QFM027: Engineering Leadership Reading List July 2024

Everything that I found interesting last month about engineering leadership.

Tags: qfm, engineering, leadership, reading, list, july, 2024

greg-rakozy-oMpAz-DN-9I-unsplash.jpg Source: Photo by Greg Rakozy on Unsplash

This month’s Engineering Leadership Reading List starts with look AI’s transformative role in product management. The article “Product Management Will Be Taken Over By AI in 5 Years“ predicts a future where AI automates up to 80% of product management tasks, emphasizing strategic oversight and creative decision-making as essential human-centric aspects that will remain. This theme of redefining roles continues with “Why Do Developers Lose 1 Day a Week to Inefficiencies?“ which underscores the need for managers to align decisions with developers’ needs to enhance productivity and job satisfaction.

We then take a look at management and team dynamics. “Break the “Not My Job” Syndrome With The RACI Matrix“ provides practical tips for assigning roles and responsibilities to boost accountability and efficiency, while “The Importance/Difficulty Matrix: A Tool for Better Decision-Making“ introduces a framework to facilitate task prioritization and decision-making. Additionally, “Introducing MX – Management Experience™“ presents a new management philosophy, building on the ideas of developer experience (DevEx) that focusses on ethical practices and growth, emphasizing the importance of understanding and supporting team members.

Challenging traditional structures, “Solution – We Don’t Need Managers!“ explores the potential of flat management approaches, using real-world examples to question the necessity of managers and highlight ways to enhance organizational efficiency.

On the engineering front, we explore several articles offering strategies for navigating technical complexities. “The plan-execute pattern“ contrasts with the traditional ‘just do it’ approach, advocating for a structured separation of planning and execution to improve testing and debugging. “A Common Problem with ADR Implementations“ looks at the importance of proper scoping in architectural decisions, highlighting how clear definitions can prevent conflicts and improve outcomes.

Creativity and innovation also play a role in this month’s links. “Normalizing Creativity“ encourages professionals to embrace creativity beyond the arts. Finally, the two-part series “Building Engineering Progression - Part I: Groundwork“ and “Building Engineering Progression - Part II“ provides a roadmap for creating career development frameworks that foster innovation within engineering teams, covering essential skills, expectations, and growth paths.

As always, the Quantum Fax Machine Propellor Hat Key will guide your browsing. Enjoy! engineering-leadership-propellor-hat-key.png


4-out-of-5-hats Product Management Will Be Taken Over By AI in 5 Years: This article explores the transformative role of AI in product management, predicting that the traditional role of the product manager may become obsolete within the next five years. By automating up to 80% of product management tasks, AI is set to redefine roles within organizations, distributing responsibilities among business leaders, engineers, and UX designers, while emphasizing the remaining human-centric aspects of strategic oversight, creative ideation, and complex decision-making.

#AI #ProductManagement #FutureOfWork #BusinessLeadership #Innovation


4-out-of-5-hats The plan-execute pattern: This article delves into the plan-execute pattern, a design approach often overlooked by software engineers despite being universally relied upon in daily life. The author contrasts this method with the traditional ‘just do it’ approach, illustrating its effectiveness through examples like Dfinity’s incremental state synchronization protocol and build systems. The pattern’s separation of planning and execution stages offers significant benefits for testing, debugging, and managing complexity in software development.

#designpatterns #SoftwareEngineering #programming #TechExplained #planexecute


3-out-of-5-hats You Need to Understand the Business to Design a Good Engineering Strategy: Aleix Morgadas emphasizes the importance of understanding the business to design an effective engineering strategy. The key highlights include knowing the business model, following the money, understanding user needs, and aligning engineering decisions with business goals. Collaboration with business experts is crucial to gain insights and ensure that engineering solutions address high-stake challenges effectively.

#EngineeringStrategy #BusinessUnderstanding #TechLeadership #Innovation #AleixMorgadas


4-out-of-5-hats The Architecture Behind A One-Person Tech Startup: In this detailed post, Anthony N. Simon shares his technical setup for managing a low-stress, fully self-funded, one-person SaaS startup from his flat. He covers everything from Kubernetes on AWS to cron job monitoring, emphasizing a self-learned approach and the practicalities of a one-man operation. Although it appears complex, Simon assures it simplifies the management of various automated processes and cost-effective deployments across multiple projects.

#TechStartup #Kubernetes #SaaS #Cloud #DevOps


2-out-of-5-hats Break the “Not My Job” Syndrome With The RACI Matrix: This article discusses how the RACI Matrix can help break the ‘Not My Job’ syndrome in organizations, promoting accountability and efficiency. It highlights the importance of assigning specific roles and responsibilities to team members to prevent blame-shifting and improve productivity.

#Management #Workplace #Leadership #Efficiency #Productivity


2-out-of-5-hats Introducing MX – Management Experience™: Yaniv Preiss introduces ‘Management Experience (MX)’, a new management philosophy focused on how employees experience their interactions with their managers based on four core principles: knowing direct reports, frequent performance discussions, fostering growth, and delegating responsibilities. MX is positioned as a complement to existing experience frameworks like User Experience (UX) and Employee Experience (EX), and emphasizes ethical management and the importance of results and retention.

#Management #Leadership #MX #BusinessGrowth #EmployeeExperience


2-out-of-5-hats Normalizing Creativity: Creativity is often seen as exclusive to the arts, but this article challenges that perception. It emphasizes that creativity is inherent in everyone and can be applied in various fields such as business and engineering. The piece encourages readers to recognize and nurture their creative abilities rather than compare themselves to traditionally ‘creative’ individuals.

#Creativity #Arts #Business #Engineering #Innovation


4-out-of-5-hats A Common Problem with ADR Implementations: Architectural Decision Records (ADRs) are valuable tools for documenting architectural decisions, providing clear, actionable records, and aiding team communication. However, Jens Rantil highlights the common issue of improper scoping within ADR implementations, emphasizing the importance of defining vertical and horizontal scopes to avoid conflicts and ensure efficiency.

#Architecture #ADRs #TechLeadership #SoftwareEngineering #BestPractices


2-out-of-5-hats The Problem Space: Engineers are efficient in solving problems in the ‘solution space’ but often struggle with defining problems in the ‘problem space.’ This article discusses the importance of understanding both domains, highlighting that moving fluidly between them can lead to better solutions and quicker progress on projects. Emphasizing the value of the problem space in engineering work can drive efficiency and career advancement.

#Engineering #ProblemSolving #Tech #SoftwareDevelopment #CareerAdvice


3-out-of-5-hats Solution – We Don’t Need Managers!: Amid economic downturns, the article explores the value and necessity of managers in modern organizations. It discusses real-world examples from companies like Bayer, Zappos, Google, and Valve who experimented with or adopted flat management structures. The piece concludes with a reflection on whether bad management is the true issue and suggests ways for individual contributors, managers, and executives to improve organizational efficiency.

#Management #Leadership #FlatManagement #BusinessStrategy #Google


4-out-of-5-hats Story Points are Pointless, Measure Queues: The article argues that story points as a metric for estimating project timelines are fundamentally flawed. The author highlights the inconsistency and confusion surrounding story points, citing their creator, Ron Jeffries, who has disavowed them. Instead, the article proposes measuring queues as a more reliable and effective method for managing work and predicting project completion.

#Agile #ProjectManagement #StoryPoints #Queues #SoftwareDevelopment


2-out-of-5-hats Curated Resources for Software Engineering Managers: Séverin Bruhat has curated a list of resources designed to support the growth of software engineering managers. The collection includes a variety of books, blogs, and podcasts that offer valuable insights and tools for leaders at any stage of their career.

#SoftwareEngineering #Management #Leadership #Resources #Growth


3-out-of-5-hats Building Engineering Progression - Part I: Groundwork: In the first part of a three-part series, Pawel Dolega from VirtusLab shares insights on building an engineering progression framework for organizations. This article focuses on the groundwork necessary for implementation, including understanding company culture, the nature of work, and existing organizational issues. The subsequent parts will delve into building the structure and ensuring its successful execution in the company.

#Engineering #CareerPath #Leadership #VirtusLab #Progression


3-out-of-5-hats Building Engineering Progression - Part II: This is part two of a three-part series on building an engineering progression framework at VirtusLab. It covers two major sections: analysis of common structures of engineering progression frameworks in real-world organizations, and tips and pitfalls for building effective frameworks. The article aims to help organizations create a roadmap for engineering careers, covering required skills, expectations, and salary indications.

#Engineering #CareerDevelopment #TechManagement #Framework #VirtusLab


2-out-of-5-hats Improve Team Health with PETALS: PETALS is a simple framework designed to improve team health and culture. It focuses on rating five key metrics: Productivity, Enjoyment, Teamwork, Learning, and Serenity, to help identify areas for continuous improvement. The framework is easy to implement during regular team meetings and has been recognized for its simplicity and effectiveness.

#TeamHealth #Agile #TeamCulture #ContinuousImprovement #Leadership


2-out-of-5-hats Why Do Developers Lose 1 Day a Week to Inefficiencies?: A new study by Atlassian and DX reveals that developers lose at least eight hours a week to inefficiencies, primarily due to misalignment between them and their managers. Managers often make decisions on developer experience without consulting the developers, leading to dissatisfaction and higher turnover rates. To improve productivity and job satisfaction, it is recommended that leaders engage with developers directly to understand their needs and challenges.

#Productivity #DeveloperExperience #TechSurvey #Management #DX


3-out-of-5-hats Importance/Difficulty Matrix: A Tool for Better Decision-Making: The LUMA Institute introduces a simple yet effective tool for prioritizing tasks called the Importance/Difficulty Matrix. This 2×2 matrix helps teams evaluate tasks based on their importance and difficulty, facilitating better decision-making and resolving differing opinions. Additionally, the LUMA System offers various methods and design recipes to tackle challenges such as improving workplace culture or uncovering customer insights.

#taskmanagement #teamwork #productivity #decisionmaking #LUMAInstitute


3-out-of-5-hats 80% of developers are unhappy. The problem is not AI, nor is coding: A new Stack Overflow survey reveals that 80% of developers are unhappy with their jobs. Factors contributing to dissatisfaction include technical debt, hustle culture, and bureaucracy. While AI tools are widely used and praised for increasing productivity, they are still deemed unreliable for complex tasks. Despite high pay and remote work opportunities, many developers feel demoralized and burned out, with a significant number facing health issues due to a sedentary lifestyle.

#developers #AI #productivity #techsurvey #workplace



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Originally published on quantumfaxmachine.com. Also available on Medium.

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